Equality and Diversity
Brackenwood Junior School is an inclusive school which, through its ethos and values, teaches children to respect and celebrate the achievements, successes and beliefs of people from a range of backgrounds and cultures. We treat all individuals fairly and equally regardless of race, gender, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation.
At Brackenwood Junior School, equally and diversity is promoted through a range of strategies, including:
- Involving children in the development of Class Charters, which promote and reflect the importance of respecting others.
- Promoting a whole school ethos and set of values which is inclusive, equal and fair for all staff members and pupils.
- Providing a curriculum which allows pupils to learn more about the beliefs and cultures of people from a diverse range of backgrounds.
- Planning and providing a curriculum in which all children can see themselves reflected.
- Delivering a programme of assemblies linked to British Values
- Ensuring all pupils have equal access to opportunities.
- Ensuring all staff have had access to Equality and Diversity training.
- Monitoring and analysing data and pupil achievement by race, gender and disability.
- Promoting diversity issues through our whole school reading spine and reading scheme.
- Celebrating achievements and successes of people from a range of backgrounds through assemblies and displays
- Celebrating culutral events throughout the year.
- Taking a no tolerance approach towards bullying, discrimination and derogatory language by investigating, recording and responding appropriately to any incidents which take place.
- Ensuring policies and procedures do not discriminate against any group or individual.