May 2024

W/C 20.5.24
Year 4
What a fantastic week to end this half term. We are so proud of how mature the YR4 children have become and are super excited for all the fun things we having planned for our final half term.
We have begun our new book 'The Lost Whale' by Hannah Gold and we are obsessed!! We have been gathering lots of interesting facts about Grey Whales and we even mapped out the size of a grey whale in our hall and stood inside it to compare sizes. All we can say is that whales are mammoth creatures.
Year 4 have been working tremendously hard on their times tables and everyone's scores have just kept going up and up. We couldn't be more prouder.
In Geography, we have continued to look at Kenya in mor depth, identifying it's physical features; major cities, capital cities, lakes/rivers and mountain ranges. Next week, we will look at it's human features.
Happy half-term :)
Year 5
What a great end to a super half term. Our litter picking in the community was very successful.  The children were even congratulated by members of the public who stopped to say 'thank-you' for helping to keep our environment tidy - well done, Year 5!
In our classroom our hard work continued with research about sharks that live in the Pacific Ocean and the effects of climate change on our planet, all for our non-chronological report writing.  In maths we continued to investigate within our geometry lessons, this week focusing on co-ordinates and translating shapes.
We ended the week with a trip to the Liverpool World Museum and a workshop about the life and culture of the people of Benin. 
Happy half term. 
W/C 13.05.24
Year 3
It has been another great week in year 3. We are starting our preparations for a narrative text that we will be writing in a few weeks. First, we looked at the features of narrative and then focused on engaging the reader using beautiful vocabulary to create expanded noun phrases.
I'm glad to report we are getting much more confident in working out the intervals scales go up in. We can now easily identify how much liquid is in a container. In science, we have developed from our knowledge of bones and have begun looking at how our muscles work to help our bodies move. During our history lesson, we looked at the structures of pyramids. We are very excited to go to the Liverpool World Museum and explore the Egyptian exhibit. 
P.E. was amazing this week we moved on to striking the ball with a cricket bat which we loved. We have some future cricketers in our ranks. In computing, we have been developing our desktop publishing skills. We can confidently edit text and pictures, change font sizes and colour, and think about what colours work best together to get the message across to the reader. 
Year 4
Another fantastic week for Year 4 with lots of fun-filled lessons for all subjects. In English, we have planned our diary based on our childhood memories and are now beginning to draft. It has been so lovely to see all the pictures from our peer's childhood and listening to all the memories. We cannot wait to read the final published piece.
We have just begun our new topic in geography, 'Africa' with a specific focus on Kenya. In our first lesson, we discovered the 5 regions of Africa and investigated Africa has a continent using atlases. We identified the countries within Africa, its mountain ranges, countries that surround it and its largest lakes.
In PSHE, we discussed the topic of privacy and secrecy and the different between them. We talked through lots of scenarios to educate us on the importance of privacy and how our bodies are our own and we have full control. We are extremely proud of how mature and respectful the children were and their discussions they had throughout this lesson.
Year 5. 
We have been blown away this week by the outstanding attitudes and behaviours of our Year 5  children. The SATs have been taking place and our children have given Year 6 the best chance by working hard (silently), moving around the corridors (silently) and even working collaboratively (in whispered voices...almost silently) - we are so proud of you Year 5. 
Within our classrooms it has been a really busy week. We have investigated different lines and answered questions about parallel, diagonal, perpendicular, horizontal and vertical lines. We have been very interested in our class story, which is all about sharks.  We have watched video clips and collected vocabulary to use in our writing to describe the sleek, elusive creatures of the oceans. We have also nearly finished our geography unit on pollution and climate change.  This week we have been looking at the small changes we can make at home that will begin to reduce our own carbon footprints.  Some of our children have also been out into the local area to litter pick - what a large amount of rubbish just in the few streets surrounding school. 
W/C 6.5.24
Year 3
We had a very productive week in year 3. In English, we published our diary entries from the perspective of Roz one of the main characters in our book The Wild Robot. The children did a fantastic job of stepping into Roz's shoes and explaining how she might feel at different book points.
Maths has been tricky this week. We have moved on to measuring capacity. The intervals on the scale keep changing, making it difficult for us to find the correct answer, but with a little more practice, I know we will get there. In science, we learned about the bones in our bodies and what is their purpose.
Year 4
What a great week for Year 4! The children have been working extremely hard in all subjects and their behaviour in and around school has been fantastic!
This week, we finished and raced our Slingshot cars in DT. The children worked amazingly together over the few lessons it took to make the car, using hot-glue guns to build their chassis, designing the body of their car and assembling it together. We then went out to race their cards against each other and we had a blast!
In science, we have been learning to group animals according to their characteristics like scientist do using classification keys. We are blown away with how quickly the children took to creating these keys and were impressed with questions they used in them.
Year 4 have been working excellently in maths, learning about our new topic decimals. We have been looking at their relationship with fractions and how numbers can be represented in both decimals and fractions. 
We are also extremely proud of all the hard work Year 4 have been putting into their times table practice. Their scores just keep going up and up and we couldn't be more pleased.
Year 5
It has been another amazing week in Year 5.  We were so proud of the children's behaviour during the 'travel to school' assembly.  They listened well and seemed keen to join in with the activities, including 'blinging' their shoes. 
The children have worked hard with their publishing this week - their narrative writing is looking really good! 
We have also been collaborating in maths this week, continuing to improve our accuracy with a protractor. 
We have begun our year 5 community project this week too, which is litter picking.  We've started within our school grounds, but aim to move out into the local area, helping to keep our environment clean and tidy for everyone. 
W/C 29.4.24
Year 3
It's been another exciting week in year three. In science we were exploring different skeletons. Ask us if we know what an endoskeleton, exoskeleton and hydrostatic skeleton is? During maths lessons we have been learning to use intervals to help us read scales accurately.
We are still enjoying our english book The Wild Robot. We can't wait to see where Roz's adventures take her next. This week we have been writing our diary entry from the perspective of Roz. Everybody has worked enthusiastically during P.E. lessons are cricket skills are coming along nicely. 
3W were very excited to meet our secret reader this week.
Year 4
In PE this week, we created are own circuit with our partners using a range of movements learnt from the previous few lessons. 
In art, we began our new topic which involves drawing, painting  and collage. We are studying the artist Gayle Gerson and will be re-creating her natural forest scene pictures using drawing, paint and collage. 
In science, we learnt about vertebrates and invertebrates, looking at how grouping animals like this can help scientist discover existing and new animals. We the had a go at grouping a range of animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
Year 5
This week we have begun our puberty lessons in PSHE. We were really proud of the children and their mature attitude and sensible questions.   
During our Maths lessons this week we have been looking at angles and learning to use a protractor to measure and draw with. 
The children have made a great start to their pop up books in DT.  We have had a lovely time making levers, sliders and other pop up book features. We can't wait for you to see them. 
Year 6
Several children have kindly been spending some of their spare time creating artwork to go inside the Oak Trees MAT Deforestation scrap book. It looks amazing!
During SPAG revision sessions, we have been looking at areas that the children found more challenging, such as, relative pronouns, determiners and punctuating sentences accurately. This has certainly been helping.
In Maths, fractions have been our focus this week...adding, subtracting, finding fractions of amounts amongst other areas. It has been so wonderful to see children trying their best and making progress. As well as arithmetic, we have been looking at different types of graphs with the reasoning. Don't forget to check the key if it is a Pictogram! :)