June 2024

Brackenwood Junior School June News 
Week beginning 24.6.24
Year 6
Year 6 - soon to be Year 7 - have been taking part in secondary transition workshops as well as a road safety workshop. Although there is a lot of change coming soon, there is support in place for our children to help them feel confident and secure before Transition Day and before next year. We have also developed a Transition display where children can use QR codes in order to find out more about their new schools. 
Week beginning 17.6.24
Year 5 - 
What a week - Year 5 you have been super-stars! Sports day was a huge success and all the children were brilliantly behaved. 
We have also been to Speke Hall this week. The children were an absolute credit to you and us. We walked through the gardens and looked for plants related to our science unit. In the house, we showed off the knowledge we had from our Autumn term unit on the Tudors - lots of excellent responses to the questions asked by the guides. We also got to see three examples of original William Morris wallpaper, linking our art lessons to our trip also. It was a lovely day and we all had a great time. 
Year 6
This week, we have continued creating our own books, which is linked to the Oak Trees MAT Challenge as well as centring around PGL. The 'Thank you' letters are underway and we can't wait to post some off to PGL to thank them for our wonderful residential!
In Maths, we have been plotting line graphs linked to climate and they worked well in pairs to do this.
The Year 6 Show is also coming along nicely! Their acting is going from strength to strength!
Week beginning 10.6.24
Year 5
Another busy week. The children have had an assessments this week, despite all the testing they have worked hard to show all their knowledge and we are really proud of their efforts. 
In our new history unit, we have been learning about the Civil Rights movement. We have been so pleased with the children and their amazing attitudes and the mature questions. They have been shocked and surprised that this was only happening a relatively short number of years ago. 
Year 6 
A real highlight this week has been our Art lesson. We have been looking at architecture with our local area and then creating our own pen drawings of the local buildings. Please have a look at Twitter for some examples. We were impressed with how they looked 3D too!
In preparation for our Year 6 Show, we have been practising singings the songs...the enthusiasm is fantastic! 
Week beginning 3.6.24
Year 5 - 
What a super first week back after the half term holiday. We have been busy learning about about William Morris this week, producing lovely information pages in our sketch books about him and his arts and craft movement.  We are looking forward to seeing some of his wallpaper when we visit Speke Hall. 
As it has been the start of Pride, we have been looking into the history of the flag and the changes that have been implemented into law.  In our discussions we have thought about what makes us unique, as we are all different, and that we should all be allowed to be proud of who we are.